Monday, October 15, 2007

Your Internet habits could stress you out totally

The headline – ’Man commits suicide while being watched in chat room’ – sent shock waves across the world last month.

It also reminded one of the dangerous games Internet can play with the human mind. And the lurking threat in seemingly harmless chat rooms.

Many virtual encounters can catch the mind unawares and stress it beyond limits.

“People could use vulgar language, remarks. They could exploit your sexual urge. They could emotionally abuse you and utilize those vulnerabilities,” says Psychiatrist, Fortis, Dr Sameer Malhotra.

Many chat rooms are unmonitored and draw in all kinds of people. Here a simple conversation can take an ugly turn for both parties.

“Life with them at times becomes a roller coaster ride for the other person who unknowingly got involved with them over a chat. But then gets drifted too far off from where he finds it very difficult to even get back” says Malhotra.

Despite potential health hazards, the addiction is tremendous. Some people actually live on their keyboards day and night.

“This kind of compulsive behaviour is often seen amongst people. At times it is a part of procrastination. The second could be a feeling to get revenge,” says Malhotra.

Now chat rooms have started taking steps but the huge number people and rooms is impossible to monitor at once. Experts suggest better and healthier alternatives.

“They can’t replace the kind of feel and empathy which is shared in a human relationship,” says Malhotra.

With Internet crime and violence on rise, its time we probe into what the Internet does to your mental health.

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